إيجابيات التعليم الحضوري بالانجليزي

كتابة هدى المالكي - تاريخ الكتابة: 26 مارس, 2022 10:01
إيجابيات التعليم الحضوري بالانجليزي

إيجابيات التعليم الحضوري بالانجليزي وماهي إيجابيات وسلبيات التعليم التقليدي كل ذلك سنتعرف عليه في هذه السطور التالية.

إيجابيات التعليم الحضوري بالانجليزي

1- Direct and simultaneous communication between the teacher and the learner, which makes the atmosphere of learning.
2- Al-Hadori provides the opportunity for education for all, even in environments where letters are not digital.
3- Publications provide books and educational aids that give students the opportunity to learn.
4- Giving the opportunity for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to plan for scientific materials inside the real laboratories.
5- Availability of sources of information and dialogue between the teacher and the learner.
6- The visual scenario that is present for all classes of society despite the different atmospheres.

ما الذي يمكن تعلمه من المعلمين؟

What can be learned from teachers?
Schools and teachers have made great progress in teaching complex subjects, and teachers today teach difficult subjects like calculus in high school, which were previously thought impossible for students of that age to learn, until learning expert performance involves extensive work with teachers.
Aristotle wrote that students learn information by forming relationships or associations between new information and previously learned information or concepts that are stored in memory as images. Divided into types or smaller groups.

الفرق بين الدراسة عن بعد والحضوري بالانجليزي

The Internet has changed people’s lives from all ways; these changes include modes of learning. Although distance learning, which is known as online learning, is not new, it recently has taken the whole world by storm. The pandemic situation of corona virus has brought it into the spotlight because of its usefulness and convenience for us.
If we compare between the two ways of learning, we will find that the distance education is an advantage, but it has not reached the stage that can really compete with face to face education. Distance learning is a complementary form of education. Young people can get qualifications and earn skills by studying courses online. We will mention some of the advantages of distance learning bellow:
Flexibility With Time
Access To A Wide Range Of Courses
No Commute Or Transports
Build Up Your Own Mindful Way Of Learning
Easier Access To Knowledge

ايجابيات التعليم في المدرسة

Among the advantages that schools offer to their students is the ease of joint education between students and teachers in the school, ie effectively.
Teachers use many different teaching methods to ensure that the necessary information is clearly communicated to male and female students.
This education is called presence education as it allows students to interact with teachers face to face about all their complex tasks with the participation of most of the students in the class.
One of the pros and cons of learning in the school is that it forces students to attend school every day and does not save them time and effort. Rather, the pros of education in the school allows students to participate in all the free celebrations and events at the end of the year or half of the school year.
Attendance education in the school provides the advantage of organizing lectures or lessons at specific times for the school and teachers, and schools work on recreational methods in order to remove male and female students from the mode of presence education.
Attendance education determines the full responsibilities that fall on the male and female students as well as teachers, they use many systems known as imitation systems for the schedule, it is considered as a fixed education used by students accurately and distinctly.
Attendance education provides students with many services such as explaining information with realistic representation that facilitates the ease of teaching and information where classroom periods for students help them prepare themselves.
Also, one of the advantages of education in the school is that it provides students with a lot of knowledge and culture, as well as teaching them technical, social and sports skills and instilling a spirit of competition among them.