موضوع عن الاحلام بالانجليزي مترجم

كتابة هديل البقمي - تاريخ الكتابة: 2 سبتمبر, 2020 12:14
موضوع عن الاحلام بالانجليزي مترجم

موضوع عن الاحلام بالانجليزي مترجم ومميز جدا نقدمة اليكم في هذا المقال ومعلومات عن الاحلام.

 الأحلام بالانجليزي والعربي

الاحلام هى القصص التي يشكلها العقل أثناء النوم وهي مجموعة من المشاهد, الصور, المشاعر, والذكريات التي تحدث بشكل غير ارادي من خلال الخلود السريع في النوم.
من المفترض أن يحظى الجميع بالأحلام ولكن هناك عددا من الناس ممن يقولون أنهم لا يتذكرون الاحلام وهذا ما جعل بعض العلماء يفكرون في عدم قدرة هؤلاء الأشخاص على الحلم اطلاقا.
في الوقت الذي نستمتع فيه بالاحلام والتي تسمح لنا أن نمثل عددا من السناريوهات التي يستحيل تحقيقها في الواقع, فهذه الأحلام لا تكون ايجابية دائما فهناك أحلام سيئة تسمى ” الكوابيس” والتي تشكل مشاعر الخوف, القلق, واليأس المطلق.
يقال “كلما نكبر تصبح الأشياء التي نرغب بها أكثر تعقيدا. في بعض الاحيان نحتاج الى الاشياء التي لا تناسبنا. على سبيل المثال, قد نحلم بأن نشغل وظيفة رئيس العمل ولو علم الرئيس بذلك ستكون أزمة بالنسبة لنا, لذلك نقوم باخفاء رغبتنا عن رئيسنا في العمل وعن أنفسنا لكى لا نقع في مشكلة”.
الحلم هو نشاط معقد.
إن هدف الحلم وفقا لفرويد هو ارضاء هذه الرغبات التي لا يمكننا التفوه بها والتي لا نعمل عليها بالشكل الكافي عندما نستيقظ.
Dreams are the stories our brains tell while we’re sleeping, they’re a collection of clips, images, feelings, and memories that involuntarily occur during the REM (rapid eye movement).
It’s hypothesized that everyone dreams, but a small subsection of the population reports that they never remember experiencing dream causing some researchers to wonder if certain people lack the capacity to dream at all.
While dreams are frequently interesting, and can allow us to act out certain scenarios that would never be possible in real life, they aren’t always positive but negative dreams, referred to as “nightmares,” can create feelings of terror, anxiety, or utter despair.
It is said ” As we age, the things that we desire from life become more complicated. Sometimes we want things that don’t feel right to us. For example, we may want our boss’s job. If she knew that, it could get us into trouble. So we hide that desire from both our boss and from ourselves”.
Dreaming is a very complicated activity. According to Freud, the goal of a dream is to satisfy those desires that we can’t even voice, much less work toward satisfying, when awake.
السؤال الأهم هنا هو لماذا نحلم. على الرغم من مناقشة هذا الأمر ودراسته منذ الاف السنين, يبقى هذا من أكبر الأسئلة الغير مجاب عنها في قسم العلوم السلوكية. عرض الباحثون العديد من النظريات تشمل توحيد الذاكرة, الانتظام العاطفي ومحاكاة التهديد.
عادة ما تتضمن الاحلام عناصر من حياة اليقظة مثل الأشخاص الذين نعرفهم على سبيل المثال أو الأماكن المألوفة ولكن غالبا ما تكون احساسا خياليا. يقول الكثير من الناس أن الأماكن تتشتت وتختلط ببعضها البعض في الاحلام فجأة وتتخذ عناصر الشخصيات والحبكة سمات غير حقيقية, مستحيلة أو تناقضية.
The big question, however, is why we dream. Though it’s been discussed and studied for millennia, it remains one of the behavioral sciences’ greatest unanswered questions. Researchers have offered many theories including memory consolidation, emotional regulation, and threat simulation.
Dreams typically involve elements from our waking lives, people we know, for instance, or familiar locations, but they often take on a fantastical feel.
Many people report that in their dreams, locations shift suddenly or blend with one another, and elements of the “characters” or “plot” often take on unreal, impossible, or contradictory characteristics.
يعتقد القدماء المصريين أن الأحلام هي اتصال من الالهة أو نبوءات لما سيأتي. ظهرت فكرة تفسير الاحلام كمجال دراسة نفسية عام 1889 عندما نشر سيجموند فرويد كتاب تفسير الأحلام والذي وضع أساس العديد من نظريات العقل الباطن.
وكثيرا مايتم الخلط بين الكوابيس والفزع الليلي ولكنهم مختلفين: الفزع الليلي هو نوع من الاضطراب الذي يجعل الناس يصرخون وتظهر عليهم أعراض مشابهة لنوبة الهلع.
فأصحاب الاحلام في مصر القديمة كانوا يتعبرونهم يتمتعون ببصيرة خاصة وتم تسجيل الكثير من هذه الاحلام على ورق البردي. في الحقيقة, يعتقد المصريون الاحلام هي واحدة من أفضل طرق الوحي الالهي تكون من خلال الاحلام.
The ancient Egyptians believed that dreams were communications from the gods, or prophecies of what was to come. Dream interpretation as a field of psychological study took off in 1899, when Sigmund Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams, laying the foundation for many of his theories of the unconscious mind.
Nightmares are often confused with night terrors, but they’re not the same: Night terrors is a type of disorder that causes sleeping people to scream, or demonstrate symptoms similar to a panic attack.
In ancient Egypt, people with vivid dreams were considered to be blessed with special insight, and many of their dreams have been found recorded on papyrus. In fact, the Egyptians believed that one of the best ways to receive divine revelation was through dreaming.
يبدو انك قد قرأت الدرس بشكل جيد ووصلت الى النهاية. الان حان وقت الاختبار لكي تختبر نفس فيما قرءت وتعلمت

my dream

Every person’s dream is different depending on his or her favorite skills and hobbies. I love the scientific subjects and my dream to become a skilled doctor, so I study seriously until I get the grades on the exam that qualify me to enter the Faculty of Medicine.
In my spare time I also read a lot of books and magazines that educate me and increase my awareness. I hope to be a pediatrician, relieve them of pain and suffering, I love children a lot and I feel happy when I see a smiling child, and I feel sad when I see a child heal.
The pediatrician helps the family in raising the child and follow him up, healthy and psychologically until he is a strong young man free of mental illness and thus benefits himself, his family and his country.
I also dream of becoming rich in the future and living in a big city in a beautiful house with a garden where there are different types of trees and flowers. And enjoy sitting in it, have a cup of tea, smelling the fragrance of flowers

A strange dream

Sitting by the window, my chin resting on my hand, my eyes lost in the waves, I began to observe the ants. I still could not chase that strange dream out of my head. In my dream, I met a person. I could not tell it apart, but I saw a huge pair of wings. That’s when she said to me in her crystalline voice: “You have three wishes, but beware, use the wisely.” I could not talk to him because even before I can say a word, I I wake up with a start. It was then that a familiar voice pulled me from my thoughts.
– Honey, can you go for a race? We have no more butter.
– Ok mom!
I put on my jacket and went out. On leaving the grocery store, I saw a young boy shivering with cold. Only a newspaper paper was bustling him. halfway, I saw a white man beating and treating a black man. The latter was covered with wounds and could barely stand up. At home, I opened the television and saw a report on Somalia. Thousands of Somali children are starving while we are wasting food. And in the newspaper, he paid tribute to the soldiers who were victims of the war in Afghanistan and the global warming that is causing the melting of glaciers. Disgusted, I went to my room. I told myself that everything will not work out all by myself. But deep in me, I know that if we do nothing, that nobody intervenes, will become worse and worse. That’s when my eyes landed on the ants near my window. I admired them because they are in solidarity with their companions. Everyone wants to do their part in the colony and for them, each individual is essential. So why can not humans work together to build a better world? Exhausted, I threw myself on my bed and closed my eyelids. In my sleep, I still dreamed of the winged person.
– Have you decided on your three wishes? She asked.
– Yes. First of all, I wish there is no more war in the world. Then I want the rich to help the poor and everyone to stand together. And finally, I would like everyone to do their part to protect the Earth, I replied.
– Your desires will be granted. Thanks to you, the world will become better, “she said with a smile.
I smiled back at him then abruptly, I woke up. It was my mother who called me for supper. I went down happily humming my favorite song.
– This is the first time I see you so happy. Did you meet an angel or what? “My mother asked.
– Somehow yes!


Everybody always has their own dream which is an incentive for them to work hard and to achieve success in life. I also have a big ambition that i can get a full scholarship to go abroad.
This dream of mine appeared on my mind when i was a child. I think that that studying abroad helps me widen knowledge more than studying in Vietnam. Developed countries have better education than developing countries and my parents also believe this, so they like me go abroad to study because they think that i can get a higher and more valuable certificate. Furthermore, i also want to change the familiar learning environment and make friends with everyone around the world. The most import problem is scholarship help me not to worry about the cost of living, so i will learn in the most effective way. I like going to visit some wonderful places and know more about cultures of many countries in which i stay. I know that to achieve this dream i will have to try my best because this ambition is not easy.
I hope that i can soon achieve this dream in the future. This ambition followed me from my childhood therefore i won’t never give it up.
I hope everyone comment about this writing for me.