موضوع عن صناعة الفخار بالانجليزي

كتابة فريدة مهدي - تاريخ الكتابة: 17 يوليو, 2023 6:27
موضوع عن صناعة الفخار بالانجليزي

موضوع عن صناعة الفخار بالانجليزي سوف نتحدث كذلك عن أهمية صناعة الفخار وما هي فوائد صناعة الفخار؟ وخاتمة عن الفخار كل تلك الموضوعات تجدونها من خلال مقالنا هذا.

موضوع عن صناعة الفخار بالانجليزي

The pottery industry in Egypt dates back to the pre-dynastic era, when they used to wait for the flood season to obtain silt and use it in the manufacture of their household utensils.

The pottery industry was affected after the Ptolemaic rule over Egypt, and it became dominated by Greek art, so they used a rolling column about 100 cm long called the wheel, which is placed on the ground, and an upper disk is fixed on it used to form pots and a lower disk that has a diameter three times the upper disk and is used to control the upper disc rotation speed.

As for the Islamic era, there were two types of pottery making, a type dedicated to the class of notables made of the finest raw materials, and another popular type made of cheap materials.

The East Asian region is considered the first place for the beginning of the pottery industry in the world, and it is represented in the countries of China, Japan and Korea, and Japan was the most country that manufactures pottery.

The Chinese began making pottery since 206 BC, which they used to make with their own hands in the past. Then, beginning in the year 220 AD, China began exporting pottery to India and the Middle East region.

مقدمة عن الفخار بالانجليزي

Since ancient times, pottery has been made; The Greeks made red pottery and used it for the purposes of eating and drinking, and despite that, the porcelain was not just shapeless utensils, but the Greeks cared about decorating and decorating it with beautiful shapes.

Then Islam came and spread throughout the world, and after the matter settled for the Muslims, the Islamic countries began to compete in the pottery industries, and the Muslims added the artistic shapes and drawings that distinguish the Islamic culture, and they also excelled and mastered the pottery industries until the pottery made in the Muslim countries became the best kind in the world. Thanks to Islamic progress, pottery industries spread all over the world.

In the modern era and after the first industrial revolution, the pottery industry advanced, especially in the West, and the machine contributed to the development of pottery industries and imparting accuracy and speed to them, which contributed to a very large increase in the production of pottery industries.

أهمية صناعة الفخار

They’ve documented cultural developments in daily life, such as the emergence and the distribution of pottery cultures and food processing and cooking techniques.
If you want to spend less time on social media, consider picking up a new hobby that keeps your hands and mind busy, like pottery or cross stitch.
Over the last year he’s grown a lot in his hobby and he’d like to share his experience, pitfalls every beginner can come across when starting up pottery.
Its primary goal has been to assist communities in capacity-building by developing income-generating projects, in particular pottery, and by providing business management training in such areas as exporting.
Pottery and car engineering are examples of skills that require handson experience.

ما هي فوائد صناعة الفخار بالانجليزي

The craftsman brings the clay, then hits it with a fuller stick, which softens it so that it is suitable for kneading and shaping.
After that, the craftsman prepares a pond with a diameter of 3 meters, in which 35 handfuls of red clay and 65 handfuls of white and green clay are placed, then he pours water on it and leaves it for two hours.
After that, the worker descends into the pond to mix the water and mud well, and to get rid of any impurities present using a muffler.
After that, the filtered mud was distributed into three rectangular ponds by placing a strainer on the opening of the pond, and then pushing the mud into the three ponds.
The clay is left in the rectangular ponds until it hardens, and then the craftsman takes from it the quantity that he will use in making pottery.
The craftsman shapes the prepared clay according to his desire using his hands.
Then he puts the pottery in the sun until it dries completely.
Then he puts the crockery in the home oven for a day at a very high temperature.
Ready-made molds can also be used in the manufacture of many forms of pottery vessels through the use of a wheel that requires precision and mastery to be used to produce distinctive shapes.

خاتمة عن الفخار بالانجليزي

The last step for making pottery is by burning the pottery inside the electric oven or inside the stone oven. This step helps to completely dry the clay through which the pottery is made, as not drying or leaving the clay containing even a small percentage of water greatly affects the Pottery shaping It affects the shape of crockery and makes it prone to breakage easily.