بحث عن الأجهزة الذكية بالانجليزي

كتابة راكان الشهري - تاريخ الكتابة: 23 نوفمبر, 2021 11:48
بحث عن الأجهزة الذكية بالانجليزي

بحث عن الأجهزة الذكية بالانجليزي وبحث كامل عن الهواتف الذكية كل ذلك سنتعرف عليه في هذه السطور التالية.

بحث عن الأجهزة الذكية بالانجليزي

Techopedia explains Mobile Phone
When the first mobile phones were introduced, their only function was to make and receive calls, and they were so bulky it was impossible to carry them in a pocket, Later, mobile phones belonging to the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network became capable of sending and receiving text messages, As these devices evolved, they became smaller and more features were added, such as multimedia messaging service (MMS), which allowed users to send and receive images, Most of these MMS-capable devices were also equipped with cameras, which allowed users to capture photos, add captions, and send them to friends and relatives who also had MMS-capable phones, A mobile phone with advanced features similar to a computer is called a smartphone, while a regular mobile phone is known as a feature phone .
A mobile phone typically operates on a cellular network, which is composed of cell sites scattered throughout cities, countrysides and even mountainous regions, If a user happens to be located in an area where there is no signal from any cell site belonging to the cellular network provider he or she is subscribed to, calls cannot be placed or received in that location .
There are different kinds of phones, A flip phone flips open, and is best for calling, A bar phone is shaped like a candy bar, and the keys and screen are on one face. A slate phone is a phone that has almost no buttons, and uses a touchscreen, Most smartphones are slates A slider phone slides on rails. It can slide out number keys or a mini keyboard, but some do both, A swivel spins on an axle .
What does Mobile Phone mean
A mobile phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make and receive calls and to send text messages, among other features, The earliest generation of mobile phones could only make and receive calls, Today’s mobile phones, however, are packed with many additional features, such as web browsers, games, cameras, video players and even navigational systems, A mobile phone may also be known as a cellular phone or simply a cell phone .

برزنتيشن عن موضوع mobile phone

mobile phone is very helpful nowadays. people use them all the time to call their friends, family, and relatives. There are many kinds of cellphones. Some of them are very expensive and other cellphone are cheap. The expensive cellphones are the smartphones that have many features. The cheap cellphones do not have many feature but you can use them to make a call or send a text message. x
الهواتف مفيدة جداً في الايام الحالية. الناس يستخدمون الهواتف طوال الوقت للأتصال بأصدقائهم، عائلتهم، و اقاربهم. هنالك العديد من انواع الهواتف. بعض الهواتف غالية جداً والبعض منها رخيص. الهواتف الغالية هي الهواتف الذكية التي تحتوي على مميزات عديدة. الهواتف الرخيصة لا يوجد بها مميزات كثيرة ولكن تستطيع استخدامها لأجراء اتصال و ارسال رسالة نصية.

تعبير عن الجوال بالانجليزي

اصبح الجوال الان من اكثر اهتمامات المجتمع فالجميع يقضون معظم اوقاتهم في استخدام الجوال واذا اردت معرفة معلومات عن سلبيات وايجابيات الجوال وكيف تقي نفسك من سلبياته واضراره فستجد هنا موضوع تعبير عن الجوال بالانجليزي.
A mobile phone, or cell phone or is defined as a wireless communication device that operates through a network of transmission towers, which are distributed over large areas to cover them.
They are connected by fixed lines or satellites.
It is more than just an audio-only way, and it’s like a laptop, which does a lot of things like scheduling appointments, receiving voicemail, and browsing websites.
Mobile Phone Features:
Ability to contact, talk to and see others.
The possibility of sending SMS to all over the world.
Possibility to enjoy the games available on it.
Ability to listen to various audio files, radio and sound recording.
Pros and cons of mobile phone :
Give mobile users the opportunity to communicate with people who want quickly and easily around the world.
The opportunity to use the Internet, reply to emails, and browse various websites.
People’s excessive use of mobile phones has taken a lot of time in their life, with different ages and interests, increasing social and psychological problems among mobile phone users.
There are a lot of warnings about the health risks of using a mobile phone.
Radiation from these phones can cause biological changes in the body’s cells, affect the protein system in these cells, cause chemical tensions in the structure and increase the risk of cancer.
Tips for preventing mobile phone damage :
Do not call the phone if the network is weak.
Avoid making calls while traveling.
Prefer to use the microphone when talking to mobile instead of putting it on the ear.
The speakers are placed in the ear only during the call
.Avoid placing the mobile near the sensitive organs of the body.

سلبيات وايجابيات الجوال بالانجليزي قصير مختصر ومترجم

Cellphone has many advantage and disadvantages. the advantages of the cellphone is that you can talk to people if they are far from you. you can also send emails, read the news, and search the internet. however, there are many disadvantages of the cellphone. some people use their cellphone to play games for long times. and other people do not talk to each other and use their cellphones all the time. x
يوجد بالجوال ايجابيات وسلبيات كثيرة. الايجابيات هي انك تستطيع التحدث الى الاخرين اذه هم بعيدون عنك. تستطيع ايضاً ارسال ايميلات، وتقراء الاخبار، و تبحث في الانترنت. ولكن، هنالك سلبيات كثيرة. بعض ا لاشخاص يستخدمون الجوال للألعاب لفترات طويلة. وبعض الاشخاص لا يتحدثون لبعضهم البعض بل يستخدمون الجوال طوال الوقت.