عبارات عن الخريف بالانجليزي

كتابة هدى المالكي - تاريخ الكتابة: 15 أغسطس, 2022 2:18 - آخر تحديث : 15 أغسطس, 2022 2:19
عبارات عن الخريف بالانجليزي

عبارات عن الخريف بالانجليزي وماهو تعريف الخريف واهم سمات فصل الخريف واهم المعلومات عن فصل الخريف في هذه السطور التالية.

عبارات عن الخريف بالانجليزي

Autumn is the season that represents the stage of our lives in which our leaves fall after we were fresh trees, but it is the salt of success, the salt of life.
Without autumn, there would be no winter.
The leaf that did not fall in the autumn is treacherous in the eyes of its sisters, faithful in the eyes of the tree, and rebellious in the eyes of the seasons. Everyone sees the situation from his angle.
The facts of life in the fall emerge too late.
Autumn reveals the reality of people, as leaves, some of them fall at the beginning, and others remain linked to their origin.
When autumn comes, a tree does not remain as fruitful as a human being. When the autumn period passes by, a lot of it falls.
Spring has never been my friend, only autumn is mine

كلمات جميلة عن فصل الخريف بالانجليزية

My bosom for you was warm in winter, and I became leaves in the autumn, why did I fall and why did I go, and when did my closeness become to you, my love, for you scary.
Flowers live the beauty of spring, and I did not think about the nearby summer, nor did I bear the worry of the autumn season and the dreary storm of the terrible winter.
It is very painful to see someone who you consider your life to not consider you a small leaf that fell in the autumn.
The ink of the letters has ended, the leaves of the meeting have dried up, the autumn season has begun, and your clouds have appeared in the sky.
My veins dried up from you, and your heart was the autumn season, in which the leaves fell, and my souls fell.
The tree of deprivation in the fall season looks terrifying and looks frightening, and the flower of friendliness in the spring looks bright and looks wonderful.

جمل عن الخريف بالانجليزي

Autumn has its own characteristics for animals and birds, as many birds migrate towards the equator and many animals, animals and insects work hard in anticipation of winter, for fear of the coming of winter and cold.
One of the wonders of the peacock, in addition to its bright colors, is that it sheds its feathers in the fall, just as trees shed their leaves.
Autumn is the master of the seasons, as it is some of the awakening of spring, some of the heat of summer, and some of the cold of warm winter, and it is also the only one capable of charging yourself and your soul with various kinds of feelings and sensations at the same time.
Look at the bright face of autumn, as it comes to be a reason for the renewal of trees in spring.
Autumn is a beautiful season.
The colors of the earth and the virgin nature only show off in the fall.

خواطر عن الخريف بالانجليزي

Autumn mornings are characterized by sunshine, fresh air, birds, calm, the end of the year and the beginnings of the day.
Hear the wind blowing and the air full of leaves We spent our summer evenings and now enjoy autumn in October.
It was a beautiful, bright autumn day with a lively atmosphere and the sky so blue that you could drown in it.
Had it not been for the collision of the clouds, the rain would not have fallen, and had it not been for the friction of minds, the thought would not have ignited.
It is not the fault of the rain that the dirt turned into mud and did not become a forest.
When the rain stops forget the umbrella.
How can I wait for the rain if I do not plant the ears.
There is no rain without clouds.
The sea is the first inspiration, the rain drops the revelation.
If it rains, I have an indescribable longing to cry.
I love trees until their leaves fall off and then encourage them to try again next year to have them bloom again.
Autumn is watermelon season, and what we lose in flowers makes up for in fruit gains. “
Autumn dance on the surface of a lake is a dream we see when we are awake.
Here comes summer again and giving way to autumn.