أنواع السوشي بالانجليزي

كتابة هدى المالكي - تاريخ الكتابة: 7 مايو, 2022 12:06
أنواع السوشي بالانجليزي

أنواع السوشي بالانجليزي و أنواع السوشي الفرايد و أنواع السوشي المستوي و أسماء السوشي المقلي و أنواع ورق السوشي كل ذلك في هذه السطور التالية.

أنواع السوشي بالانجليزي

– Nigiri sushi (meaning handmade sushi, or two pieces). Seen in restaurants as the traditional type of sushi, it consists of a small rectangular pile of sushi rice pressed with the palms and sprinkled with wasabi and covered with some of the usually used toppings, then the group is wrapped with a strip of nori (seaweed leaves).
– Nigiri sushi can be made in circles, also by hand, from sushi rice. The filling is wrapped around the rice and a nori leaf, and this modification is called: Gunkan Sushi.
– Maki sushi (meaning roll). It is made in a cylindrical shape and is wrapped in nori (seaweed) and mixed with sushi rice and other ingredients, but it can sometimes be found wrapped in fried eggs. Maki sushi is usually cut into 6-8 pieces and formed in order. There are many modifications, each with a different name: futomaki (large rolls), hosomaki (thin rolls), urumaki (rolls upside down, rice outside and nori inside), temaki (hand rolls), enrai sushi (stuffed sushi).
– Uchi sushi (means pressed sushi). It is made in wooden molds by filling these small molds with materials in the order by placing the lid on the bottom to cover the sushi rice upside down and pressing the mold, then turning, opening and cutting into bite-size pieces.
– Jirashi (meaning scattered sushi). A bowl of a mixture of sushi rice with other ingredients. It is eaten in abundance in Japan for its ease of preparation. Its ingredients vary according to the region and it is eaten especially on the Dolls Day, which the Japanese celebrate in the month of March.
– Nari sushi (ripe sushi). It is the ancient form of sushi made from fermented fish, where skin and guts are stuffed with salt, then placed in wooden barrels, covered with salt again, and then pressed with large weights under the barrel lid. Fish meat remains in salt between ten days for a month, and then soaked in water for a quarter of an hour to an hour. Then, they are placed in barrels with layers of cold evaporated fish-rice. This mixture is partially covered and pressed with pickling weights. The exudative water is disposed of during the continuous pressing period of six months. After all, this pickle can be eaten immediately and remains edible for six months or more.

القيمة الغذائية للسوشي بالانجليزي

Nutritional value
Sushi is highly nutritional because it is low in fat (except for fish eggs, some fatty tuna or western fillings), high in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
Fat: Most fish and seafood are naturally low in fat, and the fat in them is unsaturated, the omega-3 group.
Protein: Fish, tofu, seafood, eggs, and most sushi fillings and toppings are rich in protein.
Vitamins and minerals: They are found in sushi through vegetables. For example, nori is rich in vitamins and trace minerals, and the vegetables used for wrapping or filling sushi are high in vitamins and minerals.
Carbohydrates: Found in rice and vegetables.
Each serving of Cucumber Tuna Maki contains approximately 480 calories with 9g of fat, mostly unsaturated fat.

مفهوم السوشي بالانجليزي

Sushi is a popular Japanese food. In Japanese cuisine, sushi is made from pickled rice and covered with skinless, rectangular fish fillets, or the rice is wrapped around various fillings of seafood, vegetables, breakfast, fish eggs, or red meat and wrapped in a thin sheet of seaweed for consistency and flavor. The filling or covering of sushi rice may be raw, such as fish and eggs, cooked or chopped. Sushi is usually eaten with a sauce composed of wasabi root paste and soybean sauce.
Outside Japan, people often confuse sushi as a rice ball covered in fish or as raw fish itself, while only raw fish is known in Japanese cuisine as sashimi.

ما اسم السوشي الني بالانجليزي؟

Nigirizushi is handmade sushi, usually using raw fish to make the base or cover on a small rice ball. Most often, it is nori (a plate of seaweed).